Utterly Scrumptious Teapot Vase


This gorgeous teapot shaped vase is just perfect finishing touch for a vintage afternoon tea party whether you use it as a table centrepiece or a pretty vase!

Alternatively this vase could make a super cute Mother’s Day present! Just arrange a bouquet of blooming flowers and this gift would really brighten your mum’s day (and don’t worry, they won’t wilt because you can pour water in this vase to keep them hydrated)! It also gives off a lovely shabby-chic look which works beautifully with many of our other products and could be used to decorate for a pretty hen party!

Our vase would also fit in fantastically when decorating for a girly birthday party - especially if you're staying in a cottage for the weekend! Why not also buy our Truly Scrumptious cake pop-tops, our spring bunting and our Utterly Scrumptious paper plates and napkins to ensure your party is fully kitted out?

This teapot is an ideal, instant, flat-pack vase at a picnic or if you're having a day at the races. It could even be used on your dressing table to store your treasures! 

In fact, this vase could look really good with an array of brightly coloured chocolate eggs arranged in it as an alternative way to present your Easter gifts!

Whatever you use this great teapot for, it’s very British, very elegant, waterproof, and great for spring or summer. It is sure to catch your friend’s eyes and will serve as a great talking point!